domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Ezra Is -A, bitch.

The Ezra is -A theory...
Before I start talking please promise me you'll read everything because it took me hours to do this theory and to find all the pics and vids. Thanks xoxo.

1) Mona's Party: Remember Mona's party (1x10)? When Hanna got hit by the car? Mr. Fitz was at that party to see Aria, or that's what we thought... The car that hit Hanna looked a lot like his. Also, they recieved a text that said (quote) "She knew to much". She knew too much about what? Maybe about him and Aria?

2) A typewriter: Remember the letter -A 

send to Aria's parents saying he/she knew where 

she would be that night? And the letter -A send to Ella It
was written with a typewriter and,

who had a typewriter? Ezra :

3) Paper bAg: In 1x16 Ezra and Aria wanted to take a picture, but they couldnt because they were keeping there romance in secret. They decided that they could put paper bags in their heads and took a picter with them. This was the result: 

And, then in 1x21 we got to see -A working but... what's that next to -A's hand?

paper bags are pretty easily accessible so this could be a coincidence but this would totally explain the completely random “bag head” photo and the decision to include the paper bag in the ending. the wrench could have very easily been pulled out of something obvious like a tool box. instead they chose a paper bag

3) Money, Money: In 3x08 we saw how -A took some money from the bank:

and then Aria found this huge amount of money hidden in Ezra's place, who was unemployee at that time... (see it HERE)

4) Nice tAste in music!: It looks like Ezra likes the same music as A does... coincidence? HERE you can see what -A likes to listen to and this is what Ezra likes:

4) Newspaper: In The Remains of the "A", .  Aria and Ezra are at Ezra's apartment and he tells Aria he is embarrassed that he lost his job, and is now answering want-ads for webzines... and then in the same episode we saw -A higlighting an ad. Could it be Ezra looking through want ads (as he said before)?

5) The power of the Lime: Remember when...
  • Aria: *looking in the fridge* *takes out a lime*
  • Ezra: What are you dooooing?" You leave my lime alone!
  • Aria: I was just going to pet it.

And then -A had a drink with a... lime

6) An English mAn in NY: 
Remember this clue? “Nosey” with an “e” is the English spelling of the word meaning the author is familiar with British/English culture. What if it was two clues in one with the extra “e” meaning Ezra?

Supertramp is a classic British rock band. And as we saw in clue 4 that's what Ezra listens to.
Also what’s with Gregg Sulkin, a British actor (more specifically English) portraying his brother?

I know he’s extremely attractive, but he isn’t that good at hiding his accent.  There are plenty of actors that would have fit that have a more American accent, so there is no need to “settle” for someone that doesn’t.

I believe that Wesley is intentionally British.  If you pay attention to to the mother, you’ll notice that she has a British flair to her as well.

7) mAsking tApe:
In 3x18 Ezra marks the classroom with masking tape for the play rehearsal. at the end of the episdode we see A feeding rats in cages with masking tape labels.

8) In 1x02 in the car/rain scene with Aria and Ezra -the song playing in the background is fresh pair of eyes by brooke waggoner and one of the lines from the lyrics is: In a black hood of disguise

9) The chAlkboard: In season 1 episode 15 “married for love” is clearly written on the chalkboard behind ezra in his classroom. two episodes earlier, in 1x13, spencer receives an email from A that says “married for love or an alibi”.

This is not the only time we see a clue written in the chalkboard. We also saw this:

10) hAndwriting: Ezra’s handwriting on the Black board and A’s handwriting are pretty similar here. When writing large amounts on a black board you wouldn’t use your best handwriting. It is possible that if ezra wrote neatly that it would be identical to A’s.

If you read everything THANK YOU! It really took me a long time - like 4 hours - to find everything. Pics were found in tumblr and google. All vids and screenshoots of vids are from YouTube. I took some info from here. If you disagree with something you can leave a comment to let me know so I can change it :) Thanks, thanks, thanks.

12 comentarios:

  1. OMG! How the heck could I miss all of those clues?! :O This sucks, I really liked Ezra.

  2. And btw, you rock! I read the whole thing, you really have done your research! Well done! :)

  3. this is awesome and completely shows how all along he was -A! Reading all of this, it seems so obvious for him to be -A, well done this is brilliant! :)

  4. Hii I am from Spain and I found your blog today! Great job
    You were much more clever tan the rest
    I really hope the plot change because I love Ezra

  5. Wow I never noticed all these clues!!! Your analytical to a scary point of brilliance!!!! Bravo ;)

  6. So I guess you were right!!! :D Ezra is A afterall :)

  7. I don't think that he is A. At the end of the finale we see Ezra but he is not wearing a hoody or leather gloves. But as we know that A always wears them. And when he gets in the lair i think he was suprised to see all these pictures of the girls. And thats why he was angry

  8. Hey! First of all, well done on the theory. I actually had my doubts on Ezra too.
    Whether he's A... I'm not that sure. When the girls were at the lair, someone was watching them. If Ezra was A, he would've known that the girls are there... I personally think that he followed Aria and the girls to Ravenswood and when he saw the lair, he was just shocked.
    Anyway, I hope he's not A, because I love Ezria just too much!

  9. I think he is A.

    Let's take a few things into consideration.

    1. He evidently, likes younger girls.

    This fits, he would have dated Ali when she was 15. The age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16. If Ali was pregnant or threatened to talk--he'd be charged with statutory rape. I don't think that Ezra would have done well in prison.

    2. He often saves Aria.

    Aria's mom fills in Emily's test. Ezra covers.
    Aria's brother is going to get expelled for bashing in the car of the guy who called Aria a slut. Ezra steps in and save him, not to mention--he probably did it.

    3. The "A" team.

    If you look back through the A shots at the end of the episode, there's an obvious difference. Sometimes you see Red Coat and sometimes It's A or black gloves. Perhaps, we've been thinking wrongly that all of the end scenes are A when perhaps they've been both Red Coat and A on different occassions.

    4. Ali doesn't trust Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spenser. Why? Maybe (and I dont know if I believe this or not) Aria is helping him? Ezria is endgame. Maybe the whole thing has been that she loved Ezra from the beginning. Ali could have stolen him or Aria could have merely known that he could be charged. They're soulmates. What would or wouldn't she do for him? It could also tie into the screen titles that Aria is ALWAYS the one "shhh"ing.

    5. The alcohol.

    Look it up, the alcohol brand that A buys fits with Ezra, almost every time.

    Very well put together, love it!


  10. Hi!
    I just read ur post and ur talent for as observer is amazing lol After the end of summer season finale, I unfortunately have to believe that he is A =( But I found something intersting that maybe has some connection wt the motive: All the clues written in the black board r in the context of "The Great Gatsby" which is the most successful book of Fitzgerald. And by the way, Ezra's last name is not just Fitz is in fact FITZGERALD too... Maybe this was about a love triangle like the one between Daisy, Tom and Gatsby (Real name = Gatz).
    Anyway, maybe is a crazy theory but I'm always open to discussions =) And sorry about my english

  11. Wow...I had my doubts about ezra too but seeing your logic and the proof I feel like- how the hell did i miss so much? The fact that except for aria, all the girls have been put through life threatening situation more than once..their reputation, career, parents are repeatedly threatened...but why would Ezra want to throw aria off the train in the halloween episode? is it so that he knew the liars will save her or he would have saved her if they couldn't be found? and although everyone is saying that his motive for trying to kill Ali is that he had a relationship with her but that doesn't explain why would he personally want to destroy them? is it because he knew someone who suffered in the hands of Allison once and he wanted revenge on her and since the girls were related to her, he assumed they were in this too? This would explain why would he would recruit people like Cece, toby, mona and lucas to do his work since they were ali's victims. This would also explain why he personally reached out for jenna. Thank you for pinpointing theses facts and sharing..u r a genius..
